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DASH is for friends! Do you suspect your friend is in an abusive relationship. You CAN help. Read more here.





If this is an emergency please dial
911, or 999 in the UK.
Otherwise you can call the US National Teen Dating Helpline 1-866-331-9474, or UK Safer Places 03300-102-5811


Hit the escape button above for a quick exit to Google. Be sure to read our article on internet safety before browsing our site. Remember to cover your tracks!

DASH is featured as a resource for teen dating violence on the CBS News 48 Hours website at

DASH is here to help. We offer information, and resources about teen dating abuse to help teens, their parents and friends understand more about this growing problem. DASH is frequently updated, so check back often. We do not offer counseling, but DASH Here 4 Help has resources, links and information to help you find what you need.

About Us


DASH was created from tragedy. Siobhan Russell was a beautiful, vibrant 19-year-old when she was murdered by her ex-boyfriend in April 2009. Her devastated parents, Lynne and Andy, needed to do something to keep Shev’s spirit alive. After reaching out to parents of other teen victims of dating abuse, Lynne found herself inspired to create DASH as a resource for her community. With the help of neighbors and friends, DASH was created.


DASH stands for Dating Abuse Stops Here. You can be responsible for how you are treated and how you treat others. If this is an emergency please call 9-1-1! The simple fact is that many teens find themselves in a dangerous or abusive dating relationship.  You may not know that you’re in an abusive relationship. You may not know how to tell your parents or a friend that you’re being abused. You may not know how to get out of the situation. You may not understand why you abuse your boyfriend or girlfriend.




Mission Statement


We strive to:
  • Raise awareness in our community of the magnitude, proliferation and dangers of teen dating abuse;

  • Educate and encourage teens to engage in healthy relationship behavior;

  • Help teens, and parents, to recognize and act upon warning signs;

  • Provide resources to identify places of help for teens in distress, or in potentially dangerous dating situations.


Our Group


President:            Lynne Russell, creative director and loving mum of Siobhan, Jordan and Francesca

Vice President:  Wendy Claunch, content manager, technical writer, loving mom of Natalie and Valerie


Secretary:           Andrew Russell, loving dad of Siobhan, Jordan and Francesca

Advisor:            Terry Barlow, presenter, admin support, loving mom of Joseph and Michael


With special thanks to:


Deborah Mullen, Advisor

Web design and management by Captus Communications, LLC

Terry Barlow, Advisor

John Stipa

Terry Lui

Dawn Stofko

Janet Byrne

Stella Roberts



CONTENT USE DISCLAIMER: DASH original content may be reproduced with the expressed written permission of DASH. Email us at to request permission. Permission to reproduce any other content (e.g. Red Flag Campaign documentation, Virginia Action Alliance information, etc.) must be obtained from the organization cited at the end of each article or document.

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