DASH depends solely on donations from the public. 100% of the monies go to raising awareness of the dangers of teen dating abuse; to educate our teens; to provide them with resources to avoid, and help prevent, abusive relationships. DASH is a non-profit organization under the IRS code section 501(c)3.
If you would like to make a donation, please mail your check to:
Dating Abuse Stops Here (DASH)
P.O. Box 710541
Oak Hill VA 20171
(checks made payable to DASH)
For sponsorship information please email Lynne Russell
All contributions and sponsorships are contributed directly to DASH.
Your donation is completely tax-deductible. A receipt with tax information will be mailed to all donors and sponsors.

DASH would like to thank the following organizations for their support, participation and generosity:
Captus Communications
Safe Community Coalition, McLean, VA
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax
McLean High School PTSA, VA
Great Falls Optimist Club, VA
Mimi’s Cafe, Dulles, VA
Flipping Pizza, Chantilly VA
GTSI Corporation, Dulles, VA
Dulles Town Center’s Dulles Dashers, Dulles, VA
Kellywurx Films, in loving memory of Bryan Kelly, a perfect gentleman
Brittani Getch, photography
EmbroidMe-Herndon, VA