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Writer's pictureDASH


Updated: Feb 19, 2020

February has been designated as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month since 2010.

As we commemorate the 10th year of TDVAM (and the 10th year of the founding of DASH) please share DASH with a teen, parent or community leader to help educate about and prevent teen dating violence. Read our pages, recognize the warning signs, and learn how to help someone you know!

Love Is Respect declares this year's theme for TDVAM is #1 Thing. "Pronounced “One Thing” or “Hashtag One Thing”, this campaign is focused on meeting teens where they are at. By learning one thing about teen dating violence and sharing that with a friend, every teen can make a difference. We’re starting at square one together to build healthy relationships from the ground up. By just learning or doing one thing, you can start the conversation about healthy relationships in your friend circles, schools, and communities. Everyone has a part in ending dating abuse, even if that one thing seems small in the moment. Every step towards ending dating violence is an important one!" (from Love is Respect at

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