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Writer's picture: DASHDASH

North Carolina State University students Nick Ransom and Brianna Smith featured DASH in their Women and Gender in Science and Technology class project. The focus of the project was to explore a problem facing women. Nick and Brianna chose to create a White Ribbon project featuring DASH. The White Ribbon Campaign is aimed at men to educate them about what they can do to prevent domestic violence and sexual abuse.

Nick set up a table on the Mall in Washington, DC, to hand out DASH literature, bracelets, white ribbons, and offer information on the warning signs of dating abuse. He interviewed several people about their thoughts on dating abuse, among his favorite responses were from:

Josh, Montgomery County, MD – “…I always had a vague idea of what the warning signs were, but I never really knew for sure. I just figured I’d know it when I see it. It’s like common sense. I didn’t know that people in these kinds of relationships should create a safety plan for getting out.”

Tahlya, Houston, TX – “Wow. Just wow. I’m so happy all of y’all are doing this! This makes my day so much better. Seeing young people, especially young men coming out here to educate the public. I didn’t know people will try to limit your social circle. I mean, I guess my boyfriend could want me to himself all the time. But, hopefully he would never keep me from going out and getting some “me time” with my friends. That’s eye opening.”

Brianna wrote and presented the final paper on the team’s research on dating abuse. Both combined their findings and experiences to create a website and presentation. Their team reflection written by Brianna gives a summary of their experience:

Our project in many ways was one of caring. Both Nick and I are in the Navy and we have taken an oath to help others and our country. There are so many things that are truly despicable about human behavior and abuse is one of the most saddening. We both felt compelled to undertake a project that would help to bring awareness to the issue of violence with dating violence being highlighted. It was very special because I offered a female perspective and Nick offered a male viewpoint. We each had our own ideas and perspectives regarding the issue of abuse, but we were able to find a common ground, create a cohesive team, learn some valuable insight, and offer an educational opportunity for others.

DASH is so very proud to have friends like Nick and Brianna to help us in our mission to educate the community on dating abuse.

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