Lisa’s favorite color was pink, her favorite flower, the rose and she loved animals, especially cats. She always placed a star above her ’I’ when signing her name. Her closest friends called her ‘Lisakinze’ a nickname she wore proudly. Lisa, like any other teen, wanted one thing…to be loved. What she didn’t realize is that she was. She was loved by many. She put all her trust and someone else above herself … for this she died. On November 9, 2006, Lisa was violently murdered by her boyfriend. He left her body to lie where she fell for 4-6 hours, making her wish of being an organ donor impossible. This boy who said he would ‘take care of her’ callously shot her in the face; she died ‘almost’ instantly. She was 18 years old.
Scholarships are given in her memory to teens who have overcome violence in their own lives. Her death educates other teens, parents and the community of teen dating relationship violence, her family has taken back her being a victim. She is now a light, a symbol of compassion, encouragement, strength and most importantly LOVE.
Lisa left behind two older sisters, a younger brother, her mother, step-father, maternal grandmother, countless family members and friends who miss her dearly and who are forever changed by her death.
There is nothing more painful than the death of a child.
